Johonkin se uuma on nyt kadonnut |
Lena kirjoitti minulle Lacen kuulumisista tänään. Lace on ottanut painoa jo 6,5 kiloa. Tyttö on edelleen kovin nälkäinen, vaikka saa ruokaa päivittäin 9 dl. Lena aloittaa lämmön mittaamisen päivittäin torstaina. Pian saamme aloittaa jännittämisen.
"Lace is doing well but she is hungry and heavy. About 6,5 kg more than usual. I have checked her temperature a few times just to see what she have. 37.7 every time. I start 3 times a day on Thursday when it's a week left.
She eats 9 dl a day now. She might have a little more on her that I would prefer ordinary but she will loose it when she feed them. Hallon tries to get some speed on her to play and she tries to run a little but gives it up quickly."
54. vrk menossa |
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